Solo Project
Solo Project 2022 - Rafael RG
Nov 14 – Dec 4
Rafael RG (1986) Lives and works between Guarulhos and São Luís do Maranhão. He holds a degree in Visual Arts from Belas Artes de São Paulo. (PROUNI Scholarship - 2010).
He received, among other awards, the 1st Foco ArtRio Award, the Honor Award for Art and Heritage Merit/IPHAN, Centro cultural São Paulo Acquisition Award, Iberê Camargo Scholarship for residency at Künstlerhaus Bremen (Germany), Pampulha Scholarship for Residency at Arte da Pampulha (MG). Among his current residences, Gasworks in London (2018), Black Rock Senegal in Dakar (2019), Triangle France - Asterides in Marseile (2020), YBYTU (2021), and FAAP Artist Residency (2022), both in São Paulo.
In his artistic practice, RG usually brings two sources to constructing his works: one documentary and the other affective. Generally, through the use of documents mined in institutional or personal archives associated with narratives that may involve his person or an alter ego. The interaction between these territoriality results in works that almost always come close to fiction or a tense notion of fictionality.
Affective relationships, sexual gender, their political implications, and issues of racial identity have been her current areas of interest. These researches usually unfold in workshops, installations, performative texts, publications, and objects.
Guided tours at the artist's studio
Art Talks
Supported in partnership with @garciafamilyfoundation